After a rain last week, both the mycologist and the 15-year-old boy in me were tickled to see that our lawn sprouted with lantern stinkhorns, which look exactly like . . . ok, a dog who's really happy to see you. A male dog. Who's really happy to see you.
So after I got done making penis jokes to myself, I thought a little about biodiversity in the state known for Jimmy Hoffa, the turnpike and being an extension of NYC, and how it's a shame that more people don't just take a sec to look down at their feet more often. Apparently, stinkhorns are notorious for popping up in urban spaces, flowerpots, windowboxes and the like. And if I were an apartment dweller noticing one of these (or any of the other dozens of species of North American stinkhorn) rearing its head--and odor! They're called stinkhorns for a reason!!--at me, I'd sure want to learn about them.
Take a peek at the Stinkhorn Hall of Fame for some awesome examples of these fellas. You've totally got to look at the Phallus hadriani, the sixth one down--priceless! Life imitates life, y'know.
Penis plants! Teehee :) Glad to know I'm not the only one who's occasionally 10 years old.
Wow. That is one phallic mushroom. I bet you could duel with them.
On guard!
Aren't mushrooms just so much fun! Wow, thanks for sharing that. Here´s another one, varietal in the psilocybe genera "Penis Envy"--no joke
Hi, love your blog you little "mother nature girl", but, have you noticed that there is an unsightly advertisement along the bottom of the mushroom page? It is an advertisement for trugreen and promises to rid your lawn of brown spots (probably through the use of deadly chemicals). I have a better idea for the trugreen folks...plant a vegetable garden instead of a lawn. Let's hear the sound of lawn-ripping!
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